Frame Work is collection of software or program, that trigger off
easy coding and implementing the code. It helps the programmer to achieve
goals in short period of time. If PHP code is integrated with frame
works, you can do anything with php coding skills.
Some of frame works
Fuel PHP works based on Model View Control and having innovative plug
ins. FuelPHP supports router based theory where you might route
directly to a nearer the input uri, making the closure the controller
and giving it control of further execution.
Cake PHP is a great source to build up simple and great web
application in an easy way. Some great feature which are inbuilt in php
are input validation, SQL injection prevention that keeps you
application safe and secure.
- Build Quickly
- No need to configure
- MIT licence
- MVC Model
- Secure
Flight PHP is very helpful to make RESTful web services and it is under MIT licence.
Symfony framework
Symfony is for highly professional developer to build websites with
PHP components such as Drupal, PHPBB, laravel, eX, OROCRM and piwik.Symfony
YiiFramework works based on web 2.0 with high end security. It included input Validation, output filtering, and SQL injection.
Laravel is most useful for RESRful Routing and light weight bled
tempting engine. Laravel has integrated with some of great components of
well tested and reliable code. And is the best in developing an e eCommerce website.
Zend is Modern frame work for performing high end web applications. This works based on Cryptographic and secure coding tools.
Codeigiter is simple to develop small fool print for developer who
need simple and elegant tool kit to create innovative web applications.
Phalcon PHP
Pholcon PHP works based on MVC and integrated with innovative architecture to do perform faster.
PHPixie works based on MVC and designed for fast and reliability to develop web sites.
Agavi is a powerful frame work and follows MVC model. It enables to developer to write clean and maintainable code.
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